The use of the portal ( grants the status of a user of the Portal (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) and implies the full and unreserved acceptance of each of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published at the time the User accesses the Portal. Consequently, the User must carefully read these Legal Notices each time they intend to use the Portal (, as they may undergo modifications.

Escortsgle reserves the right to modify the terms of use of its website, and the User must periodically review these terms.

The general conditions of use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the portal, due to their particular characteristics, may also be subject to specific conditions of use, which, in any case, may be consulted by the User before their activation.


Escortsgle (Legally escortsgle.Ltd), through its website (, offers the following content, services, facilities, and activities: “Advertising services through online contact directories for professional and escort agencies via advertisements published by the professionals themselves and their dissemination.”

Escortsgle may also, depending on the development and evolution of the company and the industry, expand or modify its website ( to include new services, activities, or content to improve performance and the quality of the service provided.


User’s Age Requirement

Access to the site is intended for persons over the age of 18.

Escortsgle may immediately terminate, without prior notice, Users who do not meet or are found not to meet the age requirement.

Users are informed of the existence of third-party mechanisms available on the Internet, such as filtering and blocking software, that limit accessible content and, while not infallible, are particularly useful for controlling and restricting materials accessible to minors.

User Condition, Quality, and Concept

For Users, any individual or legal entity over the age of majority accessing the site to browse, search, or view its content, such as ads offering escorts, contact or find an escort, and locate any offers of interest.

To access the site solely for browsing, searching, or viewing information, prior registration is not necessary, and the User is expressly accepted as a registered user of the site upon providing their data. However, using certain services, such as posting an advertisement offering escort services or applying for any services provided by the site, may require prior registration. In such cases, the User’s registration statement or communication of data through the electronic questionnaire appearing on the portal will be necessary. It is essential that the User freely, expressly, and voluntarily authorizes the processing of their personal data and its transfer to all interested parties.

For these purposes, the User must accept the prior submission of the site’s personal data privacy policy (

If the User is a legal entity or if the Escort Agency has declared all necessary permissions and consents to include information covering the ad, this shall further exempt Escortsgle from any liability.

Conditions for Advertising, Pricing, and Withdrawal

In general, browsing the portal and requesting escort services is free of charge. However, Escortsgle announces that posting an ad as an escort with photo production is chargeable. The usage fees and payment conditions will be published on the portal (

The price indicated in the ad includes applicable charges unless stated otherwise.

When you wish to advertise as an escort on the site (, Escortsgle will send you the content of the ad via email to confirm its ownership and content effects for final publication on the site.

If Escortsgle finds that the User has used false data and/or images, it will immediately and without prior notice remove the ad without prejudice to any actions deemed appropriate and without a refund of any fees paid for the lower processing costs.

In accordance with applicable regulations, the User may exercise their right of withdrawal within seven days following the requested ad for inclusion on the site, provided it has not been published on the portal. Given the nature of the service, the publication of the ad on the site constitutes the contract’s provision, thereby rejecting any withdrawal from that date. To exercise this right, please contact us by email.

Diligent Use of the Portal (

You acknowledge and agree that the use of the content and/or services offered by the site will be at your sole risk and/or responsibility.

The User, understood as escorts, escort agencies, and anyone accessing the website for professional purposes or simple consultation, agrees to use the website and services in accordance with the law, general conditions, specific conditions of certain services, and other notices, rules, and usage instructions made known, as well as generally accepted good practices, good manners, and public order. They also agree to make appropriate use of the services and/or content of this site and not to use them for illegal or criminal purposes, which could harm the rights of others and/or violate regulations regarding intellectual property or any other applicable legal regulations.

The User agrees not to introduce or spread on the portal viruses or harmful systems that could cause damage to Escortsgle’s computer systems as well as its portal (, its customers, or third-party users and not to transport hyperlinks allowing access to the portal’s web pages and services without your consent.

You agree not to take any action that may harm the reputation of Escortsgle or others.

Accuracy of Information

The information provided by the User must be accurate at all times, with the User being responsible for any false, vague, or inaccurate facts, data, content, information, and details. For the communication of personal data within client questionnaires and the publication of an offer, this information must be true, accurate, and consistent. The User agrees and undertakes to communicate any future changes or modifications to their personal data, adjusting them to their real situation. The inaccuracy of the information exempts Escortsgle from any responsibility arising from the lack of information related to offers and services, provided that Escortsgle has acted with due diligence in its communications. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements made and any damage caused to Escortsgle or third parties due to the information provided. For the purposes of this contract, the use of pseudonyms or nicknames to identify users on the site will not be considered a lie, provided that it does not prevent their true identity from being known or the contracted services from being billed on the portal

When Escortsgle is aware of or suspects that the User has used false data and/or images, it will immediately and without prior notice remove the ad, without prejudice to any appropriate actions.


If a User or third party believes that there are facts or circumstances revealing the misuse of any Content and/or the exercise of any activity on the site, particularly the publication of unauthorized images, violation of intellectual property rights, breach of duties and obligations under these terms, or any other violation of rights, you must send a notification to Escortsgle ( containing the following elements:

  • Personal data of the complainant: name, address, and email address.
  • Precise description of the alleged illegal activity carried out on the website ( and, particularly, in case of a presumed violation of rights, a precise indication of the protected content and its location on the website.
  • Facts or circumstances revealing the illegality of said activity.
  • In case of rights violation, a handwritten signature or equivalent, with the personal data of the holder of the allegedly violated rights or the person authorized to act on their behalf.
  • Express and clear declaration under the responsibility of the complainant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and of the misuse of the content or the exercise of the activities described.

Escortsgle will immediately take steps to rectify or eliminate said content, if applicable.


Proper Operation and Continuous Availability

Escortsgle is not responsible for any malfunction of the website (, nor for possible disruptions, delays, slowness, losses, or disconnections in communications and message transmission. Escortsgle does not guarantee and is not responsible for the continuous, constant, and uninterrupted operation of the portal (

User Responsibility

Despite the efforts made by Escortsgle to implement the highest standards of technological quality, Escortsgle is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for damages of any kind caused to the User due to the presence of viruses or other elements in the portal’s content and services ( that may cause alterations to the computer system. Nor will it be responsible for damages caused by user errors and access failures, transmission interruptions without justified cause, intrusions, computer viruses, massive advertising from third parties, or when such causes are due to external situations to the site, such as defects in the user’s computer, deficiencies in their connection, internal viruses in the user’s computer, and problems with communication slowness that the user has with telephone operators, or when due to force majeure.

Content Responsibility

Escortsgle does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, or reliability of the information, images, opinions, or any other content, regardless of its source, published on the portal. The User assumes exclusive responsibility for all consequences, damages, or actions that may result from accessing such content.

Escortsgle reserves the right not to publish an escort ad if it does not meet the minimum quality required for the web environment.
If you encounter illegal content as described in the fifth paragraph of these terms of use, regarding the removal of content, Escortsgle will act promptly to address the issue.


Escortsgle shall not be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage of any kind caused to the User resulting from their connection to other pages and websites that Escortsgle displays on the portal ( as links (“links”). The User assumes their own responsibility for any damage that may arise from their connection to and viewing of these portals.


Escortsgle is not responsible for the actions of third parties outside the system who, in violation of security measures, commit acts against Users, such as sending viruses, massive advertising or spam, interrupting services, and accessing messages.

Escortsgle acknowledges and asserts that it has adopted all necessary technical, organizational, and legal measures to ensure the security of communications, both in terms of secure connections and the protection of personal data. However, Escortsgle cannot ensure or guarantee the total invulnerability of its security or the confidentiality of its communications.

Escortsgle shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by force majeure, unforeseen events, or events not attributable to the company. It is also not responsible for any malfunction of the portal ( due to reasons beyond its control, such as malfunctioning telephone operators, improper user computer configuration, or the user’s computer system’s insufficient capacity to handle the content and scope of the information presented on the portal ( However, Escortsgle commits to making its best efforts to resolve any technical issues, correct them, or assist the User in resolving them.

Users acknowledge that there is no employment or professional relationship with Escortsgle beyond the simple provision of advertising services described in these terms of use. If services are provided to third parties who contacted them through their portal (, Users agree to comply with the law.


Escortsgle is the owner of the intellectual property rights or has obtained the corresponding permits or licenses for the exploitation of the domain name (, trademarks and logos, applications, information, and other works and inventions related to the website ( and the technology associated with it, as well as its content.

The content of this website (, including designs, applications, texts, images, and source code (“Content”), is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.

Under no circumstances may the content be used, reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any way without prior written and explicit notice from Escortsgle.

Escortsgle is a registered trademark, with exclusive exploitation rights belonging to Escortsgle.Ltd.


The registered User who contracts the publication of an ad as an escort must send through the site ( images and texts (“User Files”) to edit and design an ad or listing to advertise their services.

The User agrees that the images and texts will be made available to other users of the website freely and without limitation.

The User certifies that they are the true owner of these images and declares themselves solely responsible for them. They declare and/or guarantee that they own and/or have all the necessary rights to publish the user files on the website (, thus allowing Escortsgle to edit, reproduce, distribute, and publicly communicate them, as well as use and exploit them in the manner it deems appropriate, without geographical or temporal limitation, in accordance with the purposes authorized by the site.

The User authorizes Escortsgle to transfer the images and texts, as well as any other work commissioned to the company, for individual use or in the context of advertising or a token, other media, or websites with similar characteristics, to increase the diffusion of ads or listings.

The User declares that the publication of their images and the content they provide has been carried out freely, consensually, and voluntarily within the scope of their work and does not violate or infringe on their right to honor, privacy, and image.


Each User undertakes to respect the company’s privacy policy, as provided in the following paragraph.


Website Modifications

Escortsgle reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to the portal ( at any time, organizing, deleting, or adding content, data, or services. These changes will be made unilaterally and without prior notice. Concerning the general and specific conditions, Escortsgle reserves the right to modify, alter, and/or draft new clauses according to new activities or services it intends to develop or adapt to emerging new regulations and legislation. These modifications will be binding only after their entry into force and will apply to the User when they access the portal.

Service Suspension

Escortsgle reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice suspend the service or deny access to the website (, temporarily or indefinitely, to any User who violates these general or specific conditions or engages in illegal, unlawful, and contrary to law, public order, and morality.


The provision of services and operation of the portal is, in principle, indefinite. However, Escortsgle may temporarily suspend or terminate the service permanently at any time and for justified reasons. In such cases, Escortsgle commits to sending notifications to inform Users of the suspension, interruption, or termination.

In the event of unilateral termination of the service or the portal ( due to force majeure, Escortsgle will communicate in advance the reasons for its decision. In such cases, Escortsgle commits to storing the information on its server for ten calendar days, after which it will block them in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on the protection of personal data, but this fact may involve responsibility.


All matters related to the website ( are governed in every aspect by applicable legislation and are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of London.

The parties, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, accept English law as the applicable law for this contract in the event of any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of these clauses, without prejudice to the resolution of any possible disputes that may arise from them being referred to the courts.


Your membership services begin immediately when you submit your registration.

All charges to your credit or debit card are refundable within seven days of receipt if your advertisement is not activated.

All payments by check, cash, or bank transfer are refundable within seven days of receipt if your advertisement is not activated.

You can cancel your Membership at any time by notifying us via email at, and it will become effective once received by the company.

Please note that any paid membership subscription by you is subject to a minimum contractual term of one week. This means that when you choose to cancel your paid advertisement before the expiration of this period, please note that the activation and deactivation of your advertisement and the management of payments/refunds incur a fee, which will be charged at 50% of the total amount for management upon request for early cancellation of your membership within the first seven days.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that if you cancel your membership, your username and password will be removed from the system.

We will not issue any refunds if we cancel your membership due to your non-compliance with these membership terms and conditions.


“PayPal is an authorized retailer of Escortsgle products and services. PayPal may appear on your card statement. Some banks and credit or debit card issuers may charge international processing fees. These international service fees are controlled and collected by your bank or card issuer, not by Escortsgle or our payment processors.”


This legal notice and information govern the use of the Internet portal service ( that Escortsgle provides to Internet users.

The website ( is owned by the company Escortsgle.Ltd, based in London, UK.

For effective communication with the company, you can contact the email address